What is structural chiropractic care?
Structural care encompasses many things. As chiropractors we are focused on treating joint misalignments in the body we call subluxations. These subluxations affect the joint mechanics, nervous system function, and the muscular system function. Subluxations twist the body up, compromising organ function, and causing scar tissue and arthritic changes in the joints. Since everything in your body is connected, we are not focused only on the spine and pelvis. Instead, we do an assessment of the whole body each visit. We are unique in taking before and after posture pictures to evaluate changes we are making in your whole body.
We are focused on correcting the source of your pain and/or dysfunction, which usually is not where the pain/dysfunction is located. Pain/dysfunction is usually a compensation for something else wrong in another region of your body. Correcting the source of your problem gets you out of pain fastest and allows your body to become more functional. Your structure (posture) dictates how your body will function. Not only will you feel and look better, but also stress will be taken off your nervous system, bones, and joints, thereby improving muscle imbalances, organ function, and eliminating pain and its re-occurrence.
What are lifestyle enhancements?
We understand that many people have accumulated structural problems because of the trauma their lifestyles have put on their bodies. We identify these habits and give recommendations to allow a body to get well faster and to prevent future problems. We focus on proper ways to sleep, to sit, and on recommendations on shoes so you can support and maintain the structural correction you receive and prevent reoccurring problems. Our goal is to get you out of pain as soon as possible and teach you how to prevent it from coming back.
What type of nutritional support do we offer?
We get an in-depth picture not only of a patient's structural health, but also of their nutritional health. We understand that not all health issues are exclusively structural. We provide counseling and the tools needed to have a balanced diet and offer whole food supplementation when needed. We support the body’s natural physiological processes to promote healing, wellness, and prevention of disease.
We now utilize a program called Science Based Nutrition. This program is based on scientific and objective testing including blood, urine, stool, and hair analysis. Starting with a consultation, we will determine the testing that should be done. Many problems show up in the blood and hair long before you actually experience symptoms. The detailed report you receive will explain your test findings and reveal nutritional deficiencies or tendencies toward disease and assist in correcting them. The report provides an individualized, drug-free recommendations to promote optimum health based on imbalances and dysfunctions identified from the test results.
If you are interested in a specific health condition visit the Science Based Nutrition website ( and view case studies to see what great progress other have had! Early detection and correction are the keys to a healthy life.
What are common conditions treated?
Back Pain Neck Pain
Headaches/Migraines Dizziness
Whiplash Muscle Pain/Spasms
Numbness and Tingling Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Torticollis Plantar Fasciitis
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome Hip, Thigh, Leg, Ankle & Foot Pain
Muscle Pain/Spasms Shoulder, Arm, Elbow, Wrist & Hand Pain
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Disc Herniation
Auto, Work, and Sport Injuries Degenerative Disc Disease
Tendinitis/Bursitis Pain during Pregnancy
Canal Stenosis Failed Back Surgical Syndrome
Spondylolisthesis Sciatica
TMJ Syndrome Arthritis/Osteoarthritis
Scoliosis/Abnormal Postures And Much More ...
Do we treat personal injury?
If you are in an auto accident, you need a doctor who is trained in the biomechanics of the human body, someone who treats these injuries every day. Research has shown that delaying proper chiropractic care after an accident has significantly lowered recovery and improvement rates.
J Can Chiropr Assoc. Sep 1992; 36(3): 139–145.
Dr. Stephens evaluates auto accident victims and makes appropriate referrals to other health care providers if needed. Even those who have been to the hospital need to see a chiropractor. Hospitals usually check vital signs, make sure there are no life-threatening conditions, and release a patient with pain relief medication. They normally do not treat the underlying improper musculoskeletal biomechanics that can and often do lead to future pain. Pain medication does not correct the structural or soft tissue damage that was caused by an accident. We can often help an accident victim avoid invasive and risky surgeries, overuse of pain pills, injections, and years of residual discomfort from injuries. A chiropractic exam and treatments are generally covered by an automobile insurance policy, whether one was the driver, passenger, or pedestrian. It does not matter who was at fault.
Why did we take advanced training in athletic treatment?
People involved in sports and athletic activities are more likely to injure themselves if their structure is not able to handle the function they are performing. Many times a limiting factor in an athlete’s performance has to do with their structure. Since we are structural chiropractors, we can tackle an athlete’s problems quickly and very effectively. We treat athletes of all types. We are able to accelerate the healing time of conditions or injuries they have acquired, so they are able to return to their sport or activity as promptly as possible. We focus on correction of the whole structure and not solely the injured area or condition. For that reason, athletes we treat get well with our care and also note improved athletic performance. Our treatments not only address the existing condition or injury, but provides the added benefit of decreasing the likelihood of future injuries because their bodies are in better alignment to handle the stresses they put on them. We strive to educate our athletes on how to properly warm up and stretch before a workout or activity to improve their performance and decrease the risk of injury. We also educate them on exercises to avoid or modify during their workouts to prevent from causing injuries. In addition to correcting our athletes' structural conditions or injuries, we also educate them through dietary and nutritional counseling so they can perform at their full potential.
Our chiropractic care will help athletes increase their performance in the following areas:
Flexibility/Range of Motion
Coordination and Balance
Body Symmetry
Joint Proprioception
Improved Breathing Mechanics
Why would a child need treatment?
Whether from birth by cesarean or the natural route; a child’s body undergoes a lot of stress and trauma that can have long-term effects. Having a chiropractor who is trained specifically how to treat and realign their bodies is important. Parents who have had their children treated report less colic, asthma and ear aches, as well as improved sleep, and overall better immunity. They also report of having generally “good babies”. Unfortunately many parents do not think about taking their crying baby to chiropractor who is often best able to correct the underlying causes of their aches and pains. Children have headaches, back pain, and indigestion just like adults but are not able to communicate these problems. Reducing the tension in their spine and realigning their bodies reduces these symptoms and allows them to develop to their full potential. We adjust children of all ages with all types of issues (scoliosis, bed wetting, torticollis, club feet, autism, ADHD, dyslexia, cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus, and more). We also perform school/sports physicals.
Why choose Natural Health Chiropractic for your chiropractic care?
We are the natural choice for those who want to be their best while avoiding prescription medications and surgery. We offer affordable, science based, whole body wellness care. We recognize that the body has an inborn intelligence that regulates our bodily functions internally and externally. The body is self-healing, but at times it needs an outside agent to help assist in the healing process. We are that outside agent. We focus on correcting the source of your pain and/or dysfunction through structural care and nutritional support to allow your body to fully heal and function properly. We set ourselves apart by taking before and after pictures to actually show the progress as one goes through care. Patients we treat report not only feeling better but also becoming more functional. We spend time with our patients not just adjusting them but educating them as well because we really do care about our patients and their health!
What to expect when one starts care?
At Natural Health Chiropractic our patients’ health is our number one priority. We pride ourselves in being thorough with our patients and spending the time necessary to get results quickly. You can expect the following from us:
- A thorough case history of the complaints and any health concerns. During the case history we will be exploring any hidden factors that the patient may not be aware of but are contributing to the root of their problems.
- A special examination will be performed. We will take vitals, perform a posture and gait assessment, assess muscle and joint function through ranges of motion and palpation, and perform orthopedic and neurological tests based on your specific needs.
-A private report of findings with the doctor will be given. In this report we will discuss what we discovered from the case history and examination. We will have a written prescription of care with specific goals.
-With treatments, we do an assessment each visit of the whole body from head to toe. With each treatment, we assess what is going on subjectively as well as objectively to make sure that we are making continued improvement in your health. We also take before and after posture pictures at regular intervals to evaluate changes that we are making in your structure.
- At the end of the treatment plan we will execute a reevaluation. In this reevaluation, we will be performing all tests that were positive or abnormal during the initial examination. We also will analyze and discuss postural changes that have occurred, as well as assess the subjective improvements. At this point we will outline what we found and where treatments are needed in the future to obtain your full potential.
Structural care encompasses many things. As chiropractors we are focused on treating joint misalignments in the body we call subluxations. These subluxations affect the joint mechanics, nervous system function, and the muscular system function. Subluxations twist the body up, compromising organ function, and causing scar tissue and arthritic changes in the joints. Since everything in your body is connected, we are not focused only on the spine and pelvis. Instead, we do an assessment of the whole body each visit. We are unique in taking before and after posture pictures to evaluate changes we are making in your whole body.
We are focused on correcting the source of your pain and/or dysfunction, which usually is not where the pain/dysfunction is located. Pain/dysfunction is usually a compensation for something else wrong in another region of your body. Correcting the source of your problem gets you out of pain fastest and allows your body to become more functional. Your structure (posture) dictates how your body will function. Not only will you feel and look better, but also stress will be taken off your nervous system, bones, and joints, thereby improving muscle imbalances, organ function, and eliminating pain and its re-occurrence.
What are lifestyle enhancements?
We understand that many people have accumulated structural problems because of the trauma their lifestyles have put on their bodies. We identify these habits and give recommendations to allow a body to get well faster and to prevent future problems. We focus on proper ways to sleep, to sit, and on recommendations on shoes so you can support and maintain the structural correction you receive and prevent reoccurring problems. Our goal is to get you out of pain as soon as possible and teach you how to prevent it from coming back.
What type of nutritional support do we offer?
We get an in-depth picture not only of a patient's structural health, but also of their nutritional health. We understand that not all health issues are exclusively structural. We provide counseling and the tools needed to have a balanced diet and offer whole food supplementation when needed. We support the body’s natural physiological processes to promote healing, wellness, and prevention of disease.
We now utilize a program called Science Based Nutrition. This program is based on scientific and objective testing including blood, urine, stool, and hair analysis. Starting with a consultation, we will determine the testing that should be done. Many problems show up in the blood and hair long before you actually experience symptoms. The detailed report you receive will explain your test findings and reveal nutritional deficiencies or tendencies toward disease and assist in correcting them. The report provides an individualized, drug-free recommendations to promote optimum health based on imbalances and dysfunctions identified from the test results.
If you are interested in a specific health condition visit the Science Based Nutrition website ( and view case studies to see what great progress other have had! Early detection and correction are the keys to a healthy life.
What are common conditions treated?
Back Pain Neck Pain
Headaches/Migraines Dizziness
Whiplash Muscle Pain/Spasms
Numbness and Tingling Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Torticollis Plantar Fasciitis
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome Hip, Thigh, Leg, Ankle & Foot Pain
Muscle Pain/Spasms Shoulder, Arm, Elbow, Wrist & Hand Pain
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Disc Herniation
Auto, Work, and Sport Injuries Degenerative Disc Disease
Tendinitis/Bursitis Pain during Pregnancy
Canal Stenosis Failed Back Surgical Syndrome
Spondylolisthesis Sciatica
TMJ Syndrome Arthritis/Osteoarthritis
Scoliosis/Abnormal Postures And Much More ...
Do we treat personal injury?
If you are in an auto accident, you need a doctor who is trained in the biomechanics of the human body, someone who treats these injuries every day. Research has shown that delaying proper chiropractic care after an accident has significantly lowered recovery and improvement rates.
J Can Chiropr Assoc. Sep 1992; 36(3): 139–145.
Dr. Stephens evaluates auto accident victims and makes appropriate referrals to other health care providers if needed. Even those who have been to the hospital need to see a chiropractor. Hospitals usually check vital signs, make sure there are no life-threatening conditions, and release a patient with pain relief medication. They normally do not treat the underlying improper musculoskeletal biomechanics that can and often do lead to future pain. Pain medication does not correct the structural or soft tissue damage that was caused by an accident. We can often help an accident victim avoid invasive and risky surgeries, overuse of pain pills, injections, and years of residual discomfort from injuries. A chiropractic exam and treatments are generally covered by an automobile insurance policy, whether one was the driver, passenger, or pedestrian. It does not matter who was at fault.
Why did we take advanced training in athletic treatment?
People involved in sports and athletic activities are more likely to injure themselves if their structure is not able to handle the function they are performing. Many times a limiting factor in an athlete’s performance has to do with their structure. Since we are structural chiropractors, we can tackle an athlete’s problems quickly and very effectively. We treat athletes of all types. We are able to accelerate the healing time of conditions or injuries they have acquired, so they are able to return to their sport or activity as promptly as possible. We focus on correction of the whole structure and not solely the injured area or condition. For that reason, athletes we treat get well with our care and also note improved athletic performance. Our treatments not only address the existing condition or injury, but provides the added benefit of decreasing the likelihood of future injuries because their bodies are in better alignment to handle the stresses they put on them. We strive to educate our athletes on how to properly warm up and stretch before a workout or activity to improve their performance and decrease the risk of injury. We also educate them on exercises to avoid or modify during their workouts to prevent from causing injuries. In addition to correcting our athletes' structural conditions or injuries, we also educate them through dietary and nutritional counseling so they can perform at their full potential.
Our chiropractic care will help athletes increase their performance in the following areas:
Flexibility/Range of Motion
Coordination and Balance
Body Symmetry
Joint Proprioception
Improved Breathing Mechanics
Why would a child need treatment?
Whether from birth by cesarean or the natural route; a child’s body undergoes a lot of stress and trauma that can have long-term effects. Having a chiropractor who is trained specifically how to treat and realign their bodies is important. Parents who have had their children treated report less colic, asthma and ear aches, as well as improved sleep, and overall better immunity. They also report of having generally “good babies”. Unfortunately many parents do not think about taking their crying baby to chiropractor who is often best able to correct the underlying causes of their aches and pains. Children have headaches, back pain, and indigestion just like adults but are not able to communicate these problems. Reducing the tension in their spine and realigning their bodies reduces these symptoms and allows them to develop to their full potential. We adjust children of all ages with all types of issues (scoliosis, bed wetting, torticollis, club feet, autism, ADHD, dyslexia, cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus, and more). We also perform school/sports physicals.
Why choose Natural Health Chiropractic for your chiropractic care?
We are the natural choice for those who want to be their best while avoiding prescription medications and surgery. We offer affordable, science based, whole body wellness care. We recognize that the body has an inborn intelligence that regulates our bodily functions internally and externally. The body is self-healing, but at times it needs an outside agent to help assist in the healing process. We are that outside agent. We focus on correcting the source of your pain and/or dysfunction through structural care and nutritional support to allow your body to fully heal and function properly. We set ourselves apart by taking before and after pictures to actually show the progress as one goes through care. Patients we treat report not only feeling better but also becoming more functional. We spend time with our patients not just adjusting them but educating them as well because we really do care about our patients and their health!
What to expect when one starts care?
At Natural Health Chiropractic our patients’ health is our number one priority. We pride ourselves in being thorough with our patients and spending the time necessary to get results quickly. You can expect the following from us:
- A thorough case history of the complaints and any health concerns. During the case history we will be exploring any hidden factors that the patient may not be aware of but are contributing to the root of their problems.
- A special examination will be performed. We will take vitals, perform a posture and gait assessment, assess muscle and joint function through ranges of motion and palpation, and perform orthopedic and neurological tests based on your specific needs.
-A private report of findings with the doctor will be given. In this report we will discuss what we discovered from the case history and examination. We will have a written prescription of care with specific goals.
-With treatments, we do an assessment each visit of the whole body from head to toe. With each treatment, we assess what is going on subjectively as well as objectively to make sure that we are making continued improvement in your health. We also take before and after posture pictures at regular intervals to evaluate changes that we are making in your structure.
- At the end of the treatment plan we will execute a reevaluation. In this reevaluation, we will be performing all tests that were positive or abnormal during the initial examination. We also will analyze and discuss postural changes that have occurred, as well as assess the subjective improvements. At this point we will outline what we found and where treatments are needed in the future to obtain your full potential.